League Business
Sooooo long since there was any info to post here. We stopped for the pain in the pandemic just before our season end. Took 2 games to complete the season and the leader at the time (Danny Ryan) remains top!
Congrats Danny!!
Bounty Hunter this Monday 6th September (remember those?)
New Players
Our game is open to anyone who fancies poker in a friendly and easy going environment. Registration from 7.45pm and play starts about 8.15pm.
Annual Tournament
There will be a minimum requirement to have played a minimum of 24 games in the calendar year (Feb 2019 – Jan 2020, Jan21), to register for the game. Games played at the Auld Hoose can count towards this. The amount of games each player has played towards this is beside their name in the “Q” column.
Check out the “Annual Pot” running total at the top of the sheet. Check out the Auld Hoose League
League table